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BTC StakeWise Staked ETHosETH

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Ethereum Ecosystem

Liquid Staking Derivatives

EigenLayer Ecosystem

Rehypothecated Crypto

StakeWise Staked ETH Price (osETH)


osETH Charts Live Data

Staked ETH (osETH) is the liquid staking token of StakeWise V3, a second-generation liquid staking protocol.

StakeWise V3 enables any entity to offer trustless, non-custodial staking as a service whilst providing stakers with a ready-made liquid staking ecosystem through osETH. V3 empowers stakers, allowing them to liquid stake on their own terms, whether that is by delegating ETH to their preferred node operators or via staking on their own infrastructure.

osETH features over-collateralization, protecting holders from slashing losses, and accrues staking yield from a highly diversified set of node operators, making osETH the gold standard for liquid staking tokens.