Giko Cat, also known as Giko Neko, originated from a series of internet memes and is associated with the "Giko Neko" ASClI art which first appeared on the Japanese textboard channel in the late 1990s. The design of Giko Cat is a simple, cartoon-like cat, often depicted in ASClI art or simplistic digital drawings. The intellectual property rights to Giko Cat in terms of the original ASClI art are a bit complex due to its nature as a meme and its roots in internet culture, where many creations are often anonymously or collaboratively developed. Typically, such works are considered to be in the public domain or under very permissive usage rights, as they lack a clear, single creator who has asserted ownership over them. In practical terms, this means that Giko Cat is widely used and adapted without significant intellectual property restrictions, similar to other internet meme characters.
Pepe and 4chan memes culture have been staple memes on web3.
Little did you know before those were even born on the internet, there was already a cat meme phenomenon which could easily eat them up with its raunchy contents and ascii (JIS- Shift) art.
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