
Idena is a novel way to formalise people on the blockchain without personally identifiable information. Idena proves the humanness and uniqueness of its participants by running an AI-resistant test at the same time for everyone around the globe. The Idena blockchain is driven by Proof-of-Person (PoP) consensus. Every node is linked to a cryptoidentity — one single person with equal voting power. Idena is the first proof-of-person blockchain where every node belongs to a certain individual and has equal voting power. Idena's network of validated people solves the blockchain oracle problem: It's independent mining nodes can act as oracles.

How to join Idena network? To use Idena for sending messages and funds, you just need to download the app. To create a cryptoidentity, you should receive an invitation code from a validated participant of the network and use the code to apply for validation.

How to Mine Idena? Idena enables democratic access to mining: Neither expensive mining hardware nor a bunch of money for stake is needed, but rather an average laptop that is online.

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