MEVerse is the most Optimum Blockchain Metaverse Platform founded by Kyle Son, chairman of ME2ON Group and Henry Hong, CEO of MEVerselabs. The joy of watching, feeling, and relating together is the core value of MEVerse and MEVerse provides a myriad of social, economic, and cultural content that can be watched, felt, and enjoyed based on the Layer-1 MEVerse mainnet technology.
The blockchain protocol in the MEVerse platform is the key to verifying data validity, securing information transparency, and imbuing digital assets with scarcity through proof of ownership. The MEVerse mainnet, our independently-developed blockchain protocol, boasts outstanding blockchain performance and reliability for sustainable operation through technological innovations such as PoF (Proof of Formulation), Block Redesign, LEVEL Tree Validation, and Parallel Sharding. Our customized multi-chain structure provides an easy DApp development environment as well as a fast and convenient user environment.