Strawberry AI is an advanced AI designed specifically for web3, enabling users to query web3, crypto, and blockchain topics with smart agent integration for a unique interaction experience
It’s multi-modal by design and a step toward artificial general intelligence (AGI). Behind the scenes, Strawberry AI operates like a well-coordinated orchestra, where autonomous agents work together to create a seamless user experience. Each agent, much like a musician in an orchestra, contributes individually and collectively to produce a harmony of relevant and actionable intelligence based on user queries.
Strawberry AI can connect information across vast sources and use these connections to answer questions that are difficult or impossible to solve with keyword or vector-based search mechanisms. Building on the previous question, it provides semi-technical, high-level information on how the system offers functionality for various uses. This allows Strawberry AI to answer questions that span multiple documents and address thematic queries like "What are the top themes in this dataset?"
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