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BTC Ankr Staked MATICankrMATIC

Rank #9818


On 61 watchlists


Liquid Staking Derivatives

Rehypothecated Crypto

Ankr Staked MATIC Price (ankrMATIC)


ankrMATIC Charts Live Data

MATIC Liquid Staking with Ankr

Ankr Staking offers MATIC token holders the opportunity to stake MATIC and, in return, claim MATIC Liquid Staking tokens — ankrMATIC. ankrMATIC also offers instant liquidity for your staked MATIC, enabling you to connect ankrMATIC with DeFi platforms and earn several more layers of rewards.

ankrMATIC is a reward-bearing token, meaning that the fair value of 1 ankrMATIC token vs. MATIC increases over time as staking rewards accumulate inside the token.


  • Generate Multiple Layers of Rewards: Use ankrMATIC on DeFi platforms to enable you to multiply your earning potential in APY on top of your staking rewards!
  • Low Impermanent Loss: Contributing ankrMATIC for liquidity with tokens like MATIC means a low risk of impermanent loss, expanding the upside of providing liquidity for a more stable and profitable experience.
  • Compound Your Staking Rewards: Your staking rewards will compound daily as the value of ankrMATIC in your wallet increases vs. MATIC.
  • Support & Secure MATIC: Staking MATIC directly supports the MATIC network and helps validate transactions. Ankr’s staking system distributes staked tokens intelligently across the MATIC ecosystem to achieve optimal decentralization.
  • Elastic Supply: Users can trade their ankrMATIC tokens for their staked MATIC anytime.
  • Ethereum market opportunities: Since ankrMATIC is an ERC-20 token staked via Ethereum, you will be able to access a variety of DEXs to buy or sell ankrMATIC instantly.